Why “A promised Land” Obama’s Book

Going back to the book itself and before I go through the book, I would have to admit the title is very interesting and whoever comes up with this title is a genius.  “A promised Land” some people at the first glans might see it “The Promised Land” did he meant to make this confusion or it is the real meaning of “A promised Land” who gives the promise and to who! I will assume it is a promise to the American people, yet who has the power to give that promise.

What do you consider freedom?

I have been talking about learning, development, improvement, and the importance of learning during a person’s life. One of the things I have learned is to question the definition of any subject we are about to discuss the definition, will give a better understanding, it will draw the outlines, which will make the topic crystal clear, it will determine the direction, and make it to the point.

Why do some people fail to improve in something they are really good at initially after a certain point?

People fail to improve in something they are really good at initially after certain point because they reach to the comfort zone, this is what they know, and it work, why try any other way, without knowing or even try to know anything about the other ways, which might be easier, and faster, may be less effort, they don’t want to challenge themselves.

Root Cause Analysis (RCA)

No matter how you slice it, even with the best quality systems, training and statistical process control; all manufacturing process will experience problems such as non-conforming parts, equipment failure resulting in lost productivity or rework expenses and possible increased scrap. The real challenge is how to keep this problem to the minimum as much as you can, specially the repeated ones, that’s why RCA take place. The goal of a Root Cause Analysis (RCA) is to get down to the true cause of the problem, the root cause.


When you have an essential task, or task that you do every day and required multiple steps, you’ve got one good solution that has been proven in many fields, it is to use a checklist. We are human and make mistakes. Sometimes we make the same ones over and over, it is human nature to forget one of the steps, or to have doubt, it has been done or not, besides the order of the steps, checklist eliminate that doubt. Also. it helps people to do things more efficiently and avoid costly mistakes. It saves time and lives; it saves brainpower for more creative things.

Did history talk about Covid-19!

History repeated itself and no one learns, the decision-makers have no respect for the lessons of history. They think the lessons don’t apply to them. They think they can make history freely. So, they keep repeating the same mistake over and over and over. They are ignoring many facts such as knowing how and where to find the facts one needs to gain a fuller understanding of today’s contentious debates can help us understand not only what is being said, but it can also help us grasp what kinds of historical comparisons people are making and why they are making them.